Introduction to Networking

Types of Data Transmission

In digital devices, there are two methods to transmit data

  • Serial transmission: It sends one data bit at a time over a single channel.
  • Parallel transmission: It can send multiple data bits at a time over multiple channels.

In serial data transfer, there are two basic types of data transmissions

  • Synchronous Data Transmissions
  • Asynchronous Data Transmissions

1.  Asynchronous Transmission

Asynchronous Transmission

  • In asynchronous transmission mode, the data is transmitted character by character.
  • Irregular gaps between the characters
  • It is less efficient and slower than synchronous transmission.
  • It uses start (0) and stop (1) bits. Stop bit (1) is transmitted at the end of each character, which tells that the character is transmitted.
  • Asynchronous transmission is also known as half-duplex.

2. Synchronous Transmission

Synchronous Data Transmission

  • In synchronous transmission mode, the data is transmitted block by block.
  • Each block consists of many characters.
  • It uses the clock to control the timing of bits.
  • It is faster than asynchronous because there is No gap between the characters.
  • For example, computer-to-printer communication.
  • Synchronous transmission mode is also known as Full-duplex.