Intro to DBMS

Serial Vs. Non-Serial Schedules

Serial schedules always hold the following properties

  • Consistent
  • Recoverable
  • Cascadeless
  • Strict

But Non- Serial schedules do NOT always hold the following properties

  • Consistent
  • Recoverable
  • Cascadeless
  • Strict

As in the serial schedule, the execution of the transaction is very slow because one transaction can be executed at a time. So, we did not prefer the use of a serial schedule because time is the money.

 But In a Non-Serial schedule,  parallel execution of multiple transactions is possible at a time. So, non-serial schedules are fast in execution, but there may exist concurrency problems in Non-serial, which leads toward

  • Non-Consistency
  • Non-Recoverability
  • Non-Cascadeless
  • Non-Strict

We use different methods to remove concurrency problems and make sure that the Non-serial schedule will always be

  • Consistent
  • Recoverable
  • Cascadeless
  • Strict

Conclusion: Non-serial schedules are used so that the concurrency problem is eliminated through different approaches.