Intro to DBMS

Conflict Equivalent Schedule

In the conflict equivalent, one schedule can be converted into another schedule by swapping just non-conflicting operations.

Before learning conflict equivalent schedule, you must know about

  • Conflict and non-conflict pairs.
  • Swapping of pairs


  • Non-conflict pairs are always replaceable in the schedule
  • Conflict pairs are never replaceable in the schedule

Explain with Example

Consider two schedules, “A” and “Y,” which are not conflict equivalent as given below.

 Now, convert Schedule “A” to Schedule “X” by swapping non-conflicting operations (pairs) as given below.

As we can see, the schedules “X” and “Y” become conflict equivalent as given above.

So, Schedule “A” is conflict serializable or serial because it is equal to Schedule “Y” (which is serial) after swapping non-conflict pairs.

Condition For Conflict Equivalent

Two schedules will be conflict equivalent if and only if

  • Both schedules hold the same set of transactions.
  • If the order of each conflict pair is the same.